Ch 1
Writer's Checklist:
- Have you achieved your purpose?
- Have you considered ur audience?
- Have you clearly stated ur thesis?
- Have you supported ur pt. w/ enof reliable evidence to persuade ur audience?
- Have you arranged your ideas LOGICALLY so that each follows, supports or adds to the one before?
- Have you made connections among ideas clear to a reader?
- Have u established an appropriate tone?
Think about what u want 2 accomplish as a writer and how u want to appeal 2 thy audience.
*Identify ur purpose and audience
*decide on one main point
*state a thesis
*Organize ideas by grouping or outlineing
*Explain + support
*Add def.s, ex.s, and details
*Supply evidence such as facts, stat.s, expert testimony, and observations
*Start and Restart
*Build paragraphs
*Open and conclude
*Create coherence
Ch 2
Think critically whilst reading
Actively think
Ask yourself:
What is the subject of the reading, what is the writer's stand, what are the main points,
do you agree with the writer, what conclusions did you draw from the reading?
Building Blocks of Thought
1) Knowing: Once you read the passage try to recollect any backround you might already have
2) Comprehending: Understand the passage
3) Applying: Connect the knowledge in the text to things you already know
4) Analyzing: Scrutinize from various angles. Break ideas into parts
5) Synthesizing: Recombining information, pulling together facts and opinions, identifying evidence, and drawing conclusions that evidence seems to support
6) Evaluate: Evaluate the significance of the knowledge you have
When trying to write on a topic use info u already have, summarize complex ideas, read articles on the topic so as to gain more perspective
Read things online and concentrate whilst reading, view different types of media, bookmark, and make sure the information is valid.
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