Tuesday, September 4, 2012


apostate (n) a traitor
there was an apostle apostate.
effusive (adj) enthusiastic exuberant, ebullient
David Tennant’s acting style is effusive and wild
impasse (n) gridlock, a jam, (Lady Deadlock)
Jaundice & Jaudice was impasse and the court couldn’t come to a verdict
euphoria (n) bliss, ecstasy, jubilation
Some feel a sense of euphoria when in nature
lugubrious (adj) gloomy, sad
Richmond was feeling very lugubrious indeed, not his usual cheery self at all.
bravado (n) boastfulness
The young boy was teaming with slightly masculine bravado. He was no where near maturity.
consensus (n) general agreement
The senate reached a consensus and decided to pass the bill.
dichotomy (n) a division or difference of opinion
The dichotomy prevented everyone from negotiating b/c no one would back down.
constrict (v) confine, restrain
The witch constricted sleeping beauty in a castle.
gothic (adj) eerie, mysterious
Poe wrote gothics... ‘nough said.
punctilio (n) civility etiquette, DECORUM
Ladies have the punctilio to only put 2 sugar cubes in their tea.
metamorphosis (n) transformation, mutation, evolution
caterpillars go through a metamorphosis
raconteur (n) a narrator or storyteller
the prologue is usually read by the racnteur
sine qua non (n) something essential
decus et tutamen, sine qua non erit sine morte.
quixotic (adj) dreamy, unrealistic
Midsummer Night’s Dream is a quixotic play
vendetta (n) feud a dispute
V for Vendetta
non sequitur (n) an inference or a conclusion that does not follow from the premises.
your argument is non sequitur.
mystique (n) an aura of mystery or mystical power surrounding a particular occupation or pursuit
Mystique is all over the xmen movies.
quagmire (n) predicament or dilemma
I’ve gotten meself into a bit of a quagmire.
parlous (adj) perilous dangerous
the slippery slope is parlous

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